Well, I don't really know where to begin. Finally, and somewhat unexpectedly, there is an end to the tunnel entitled “Chairman of the Python Software Foundation.” When I stood for election to the board this year my manifesto included a declaration that by the same time next year I would no longer be chairman. The board at my request asked for nominations for a Vice Chairman to prepare to take over from me at a planned point in the future.
As the inauguration of the new board coincides with the unfortunate necessity of consulting orthopedic surgeons I am availing myself of the non-profit equivalent of the "get out of jail free" card, and handing over to the new chairman Van Lindberg (currently Vice Chairman, and the careful steward of PyCon in 2010 and 2011), somewhat earlier than originally anticipated. This will allow me time to rest and discover what comes next. Fortunately I don't anticipate any real problems, but it is good to have a Chairman waiting in the wings, supported by a Board that will continue to take capable care of business while I pay attention to other things. I know that the whole Python community will be behind them.

To those who wish to email me about PSF matters, please continue to do so if you don't know who else to contact (hint: our administrator and secretary Pat Campbell stands ready to help at all times). I will continue to try and ensure that all mail reaches an appropriate (
i.e. not
/dev/null) destination. Please do all you can to help the new chairman and board to help you. I am sure that the Foundation will under their leadership continue to move from strength to strength, reinforcing its mission of promoting the Python language and encouraging the growth of the international Python community. I remain on the board for the remainder of my elected term, and look forward to helping the new team strengthen the ties we have forged with the widest possible Python community.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Good luck, Van, and over to you.
Thanks for everything you've done as Chairman, Steve, and hope everything else works out for you. We'll see how it feels for you going back to just wearing your "PSF Member" hat.
And I guess our new Chairman will be well qualified to find a new Counsel for the organisation :)
Thanks heaps for all your work to the Python community, Steve!
Steve, you are a force of nature in the Python community. Thank you for the many years of service you have given us. I wish you a speedy recovery from the surgery and look forward to seeing you back in action in other capacities soon!
I had the pleasure to say it in person, and it feels right to do it again: thank you for all your support and for inspiring so many pythonistas, as myself, around the world.
Hope to see you soon!
Steve -- sorry to hear that you're unwell, I hope it all gets sorted quickly! Thanks for your work over the years -- and let's meet up for a pint or two (or three) next time you're over in London.
Thanks for all you've done for our community Steve.
Get well soon!
You are an inspiring force and thank you for all the support, patience and tireless work you have put in over the years.
Steve, you have a promise to keep --attend Pycon-India and when you do I want to remind you of that talk you had suggested earlier.. (just kidding). Please get well soon :)
A standing ovation to both you and Van!
Many thanks for all your efforts, Steve! Take care of yourself - best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks for everything Steve and thanks Van for stepping up!
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