February 14, 2015

Brian Curtin: A Solid Record of Community Involvement

As a personal #LABHR contribution (having already thanked recipients of PSF awards) I should like to bring to your attention a person by the name of Brian Curtin.

If you are part of the Django world you may know Brian from his work with his then-local Chicago group, though he latterly moved to San Antonio. He has been featured as a Python core developer in the Python Insider blog, and more recently in Mike Driscoll's Pydev of the Week column.

Brian also contributes by serving as a Director of the Python Software Foundation, that worthy body charged with responsibility for the intellectual property in the Python programming language and in growing the international Python community. He is in essence its voice, having for a long time been the Foundation's Communications Officer. Though many others contribute from time to time, they do so under Brian's editorship, and I know from personal experience he is a great editor to work with.

Brian has also spoken and volunteered at PyCon on a long-term basis. I can't think of a single area he's touched without making a contribution of some kind.

So thanks, Brian, for making a difference, and good luck in your most recent role with Rackspace in San Antonio.

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