April 29, 2013

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

A notable transition point in my life, by any measure. Interesting things are happening in all directions, many of them (I am delighted to day) heavily involving Python. So this is definitely not goodbye. My time on the Foundation's board has been a wonderful and interesting ride. I hope I have lived up to Tim O'Reilly's ethic of creating more value than I extract.


  1. "I hope I have lived up to Tim O'Reilly's ethic of creating more value than I extract."

    You definitely have! The PSF is in great hands now but it wouldn't be where it is without your hard work and stewardship over the years. So many thanks, Steve -- we owe you.

  2. Steve, I can say without reservation or qualification that you most definitely have given far more than you've taken from the community.

    From the all-too-brief time that I was privileged to enjoy watching your work associated with PyCon, it's clear to me that your passion and energy will be missed.


  3. Thanks for all your hard work! Good luck in your future endeavors!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. The PSF has grown tremendously under your leadership. Thank you, Steve!

  6. Thank you Steve for everything :)

  7. With your resignation now I am not sure in TINC anymore. =) Thanks for the good time.

  8. Steve,

    I am personally indebted to you for all you have done. Thanks for your advice and guidance over years.

    - Van
