May 18, 2012

Open Django Central Now Open to Sponsors

The Open Bastion, the subsidiary that runs events and conferences, has announced that its Open Django Central event, new to the calendar this year, is now (yes, we know) finally open to sponsors. Sponsorship is very reasonably priced, and the more money that comes in sponsorship the better we can make the event for the local Django community.

This represents a rare opportunity to connect with a diverse group of “djangstas” from the greater
Chicago and surrounding areas. The conference is targeted not just at technologists but also at
others wishing to engage with the open source world and find out what these technologies can do.

We hope that by adding your name to the roster of those supporting Open Django Central you will
indicate your enthusiastic support of and interest in open source technologies, in particular Django and Python. It's easy to ask about becoming a sponsor.

We are also still looking for speakers, so please let us know of anyone (you included, dear reader) who might be interested in giving a (technical, not marketing) talk at the conference. Slots are from 30-90 minutes.

And please act now, as time is (yes, we know) getting short!

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