March 1, 2011

Promoting and Supporting Open Source

I was a little surprised today to discover that my Twitter buds mostly hadn't heard I had moved to Portland, and when I thought about it I realized that blog readers had no way to know either, since although I have been talking about the move a lot I have been too busy to write about it. This condition still holds, really, so this is a sketch for now.

In order to engage the Portland business, government and open source communities I organized a reception a couple of weeks ago, which also represented the announcement of a new business, The Open Bastion. As you can see from the web site we are still in well, not exactly stealth mode, but it's early days yet. I am happy to say that the reception appears to have started many conversations abut open source, which I will be following up on as they develop.

Why Portland? Well, I have been feeling the pull of the West coast for some time, and have visited Portland quite a but recently, including running DjangoCon US there last September. So the plan for the new business is to organize and run technical events–conferences, presentations, training sessions. There is also a very active Python user group here, which I attended shortly after my arrival in the city as one of about forty people there that evening. Portland likes to think of itself as the open source capital, but I want it to put its money where its mouth is.

Portland, being a conference city, is marvelously well endowed with venues. I am happy to say that it appears to be a city that values its heritage and it still has many fine original buildings, which makes the place a pleasure to walk around. With excellent public transport (including a fare-free zone in the center to discourage the use of private cars) it's a wonderful place to live and to visit, and I am looking forward to spending time here.

I will be keeping in touch with the East coast, too, by spending roughly a  quarter of my time in New York, where I expect technical events will also be required. We are, of course, equally happy to help you with events in the location of your choice. So if you are thinking about running a technical sales presentation, or a conference, or any other similar sort of event and you would like someone to take the organization off your hands, drop me a line. I am "sholden at theopenbastion dot com".

1 comment:

  1. You are assuming Portland has money, my experience (and its unemployment rate and average compensation levels) shows that it really doesn't except at levels that don't give money anyway.
