January 18, 2011

Python at OSCON 2011

The OSCON organizers have asked me to help them recruit more Python talks there this year. It seems that maybe PyCon is the principal venue for those who are already using Python, but there is a vast audience of people who are interested in open source but not necessarily yet committed to Python, and such people are much more likely to attend OSCON, which runs July 25-29, to stay in touch with a range of open source technologies rather than ust Python alone.

Unlike PyCon OSCON is a full commercial conference. Tutorial speakers get help with their travel as well as an honorarium for talking, regular speakers get a free regstration. Both times I have attended I have managed to cover the majority of my costs. And, of course, OSCON is back in the wonderful city of Portland for the second year after a brief flirtation with California. It's a great place to visit, and by the time the conference comes around I hope to be living there.

If you are interested in going one further and would like to join the team that puts the Python syllabus together then drop me a line or simply make a comment here. That's another way to pay your way to OSCON!


  1. Still a newbie at Python but am willing to do anything that might help. I'd love to attend Oscon. see you at Pycon!

  2. Hey there! You seem to be doing fine. If you want to tune in to what's required the easiest way is to join the pycon-organizers list (whose server currently appears to be unwell, though the mail still appears to be flowing).

    Lurking is fine until someone mentions a job you could do.

    As far as OSCON goes I think your help could be invaluable. Please contact me through private channels for an introduction there, and thanks for stepping forward.
