September 6, 2010

DjangoCon Triggers National Pony Shortage?

Hasbro Toys today took the unprecedented step of insisting that pony supplies were "absolutely not a concern" in response to persistent rumors that a foreign national had cornered the market  in ponies. A spokesman said "while it is true that there has been an unusual demand for ponies in the Portland area our normal stocking policies were quite adequate to meet demand. Anyone who wants a pony can have one".

The House Committee on Science and Technology is rumored to have directed its Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation to investigate this potential shortage of a strategically important resource in the creation of critical national web site infrastructure. The chairman of the Subcommittee, congressman David Wu of Oregon's first district, was not available for comment. Hasbro could not explain why American pony manufacturing facilities had opened on Labor Day, normally a national holiday.

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