August 5, 2010

DjangoCon US is International

As registrations for DjangoCon US grow it's been interesting to see where people are coming from. I originally thought that it would be US-only. While US delegates dominate the lists as you might expect, we have people coming from all over the world. Here's a graphic showing the distribution of delegates across the globe.
I think it's a measure of Django's excellence that DjangoCon attracts people from so far away. I well remember when Jacob Kaplan-Moss and Adrian Holovaty first came to PyCon in Washington DC to describe the system they were putting together. At that stage Django wasn't open source, and the encouragement of the enthusiastic PyCon audience was a major factor in its becoming so. The software has come a huge distance in a relatively short time, and is now a major Python success story.

There are still places left at the conference if you would like to register. Portland is an intriguing city that offers a warm welcome to visitors, and the Doubletree is a green hotel with excellent accommodation. The conference room rate is only guaranteed until August 13, so make sure to book your accommodation soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly not one person from Africa... anyone want to sponsor me ;)
