August 18, 2008

Don't You Hate It ...

... when you [use a well-known search engine] for advice about a problem and the first hit is something you wrote several years ago? Either you should have remembered you've had that problem ever since you first wrote about it, or you should have remembered how to solve it.


  1. Why??

    We developed computers to help the biological brain be free from rote memorization so that we could focus on the cognitive functions. Short term memory degrades with age. So consider that you are using a mental prosthesis and nothing more.

    One more. In the old days, the mark of a good engineer was the small volume of composition books they kept of all their efforts, experiments and conclusions. Being as its electronic nowadays should not reduce the aura.

  2. Heh. Every time I have to go back to use the Python logging module after a break I inevitably end up searching [a well-known search engine] and my blog entry from 2004 pops up first every time :)

  3. "Wow, I must be a respected authority!", I always say.

    It's a little embarrassing that Google keeps track of my own stuff better than I do, but hey, at least it's there. Pre-web, I probably would have just lost it completely.
