April 30, 2008

Twisty Little Passages ...

I have been rather disappointed that the "Teach Me Twisted" session I ran at PyCon didn't get more heavily blogged. Not only did I have a lot of fun, but I also learned something. The Twisted guys learned something too, I'm happy to say.

No announcements yet, but with luck it will eventually lead to bigger things. That session may have been a butterfly flapping its wings.


  1. I read some great buzz about it an was a little sad it wasn't recorded.

  2. Speaking of butterfly, have a look at the schedule of our second Italian Python conference, in the afternoon of the last day, the third red track. We shamelessly stole your idea, and will have *two* sessions: "Teach me concurrency" and "Teach me Twisted.

    Thanks a lot for a greeat pioneering job! :-)

  3. @richard: You and me both, buddy.

    @nicola: You stole my idea! Give it back immediately! Seriously, since "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" I am flattered, and sorry I won't be able to get to PyCon IT. That's a great list of sponsors you have, by the way!

  4. To be honest, I wish I had attended that versus what I ended up going to. I heard awesome things from the people who did attend.

    The format you used is an interesting one - maybe there's space for more of the "like" next year? :)
