April 10, 2008

Meme du Jour

Interesting. I was quite surprised by this myself.

# history|awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' |sort -rn|head
135 svn
134 ls
87 vi
76 postmap
57 cd
45 more
36 ps
35 /etc/init.d/httpd
33 /usr/sbin/postfix
32 grep

This is on my (virtual private) web server, where I've been editing fairly heavily recently.


  1. You move around a lot less than I do:

    96 cd
    89 svn
    86 python
    75 ls
    48 hg
    26 vim
    11 open
    10 rm
    6 mv
    6 grep

  2. Actually that's not quite true: I use screen, so if I'm going to be working in a specific directory for a while I will cd to it and then switch back to that screen when I need it. This is invisible to my history.

    This underlines the basic meaninglessness of the statistics, of course, but it's interesting to watch the meme travel!
