April 17, 2008

Blogger Annoyances #319

Is this just me, or is there some trick I just haven't learned? I was reminded, yet again, when completing the previous post in this blog, that Blogger tagging is way less user-friendly and convenient than del.icio.us and other similar sites.

I wanted to tag the item with "mono", but alas I was foolish enough to tag a previous post with "monopoly". So when I enter "mono" the widget is already suggesting the auto-completion (see image), and when I type a comma, it completes the entry as "monopoly", the existing tag. I try entering an escape character—no good, the comma still completes it as the existing tag, as does a tab.

Eventually I let it complete as "monopoly" and then go back and delete the last four characters from the tag. I really dislike applications that insist they know better than me. Since tab expands the tag to complete as an existing tag, why the heck does a comma have to do the same thing? The real annoyance is: I have this ugly feeling that somewhere out there there's a programmer feeling really smart for having committed this atrocity. Someone, please tell me there's a sensible way to do this before I go mad.


  1. Yes! I have just this problem, and it even occurs when I try to type 'music': because I've used 'folk music', this is on the list, before music!

  2. Um, doesn't it work to just hit the space bar after "mono" ?

  3. For some value of "work", it seems that it does (i.e. it no longer completes the word). But then why is the comma the delimiter, when space causes the programmed action? That just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon ...

  4. This pretty much keeps me from tagging... ahem, i mean "labeling" my blogger.com posts at all.
