March 25, 2008

Damn Those AdWords!

OK, this is a guilt trip. You have been warned.

One of the things about being an AdWords user is that you realize the cost of a click-through.

So just now, trying to find out exactly how far the proposed $102,000,000,000 (that's an obscene waste of taxpayer dollars) spend on the Iraq war would go towards making sure everyone in the world had potable water to drink, I clicked on a sponsored link. As soon as the page came up I realized that I had just cost these people money.

So, I could have sent them a couple of bucks to salve my conscience. Instead I decided I would give them something scarcer, so I am taking a few minutes of my time to ask you to visit their Web site, and understand (or at least struggle to understand) why one sixth of the world's population is unable to take clean drinking water for granted, and think about what that must be like for them. I figure that if only ten of you click the link then I have probably contributed the equivalent of at least $10. If you bother to post a comment here saying you have clicked, I will also send PlayPumps $6 per person, thereby providing someone with clean water for ten years—I doubt I have so many readers, but prudence cautions me to limit the total to $480.

Then go to my other blog and look at the mounting cost of the Iraqi suppression at the top right hand corner. If the USA spent one-tenth as much providing drinking water to the world as it does spilling blood it would be hailed as a benefactor, and welcomed throughout international society. Wouldn't it be nice to have a few other countries on our side for a change? How about a "coalition of the grateful"?

How come lame duck presidents never seem to grapple with this as they piss away their few remaining months in power? God forbid it should get in the way of the plans for yet another self-congratulatory presidential library. Don't they realize these kids will be programming in Python once they get their OLPCs?

[Final update, April 7: Not as ruinous as feared, but I have
just send PlayPumps a check for $120. Thanks for participating! Steve]


  1. Visited and donated. Thanks, Steve!

  2. I think I saw an "Ad" (PSA maybe is a better term) on PBS? Either way, short of outright fraud, they must be upstanding :D

  3. Visited and donated.

    I am curious about your use of the word "suppression" to characterize the invasion and military occupation of Iraq. Perhaps sometime you'd be willing to elaborate?

  4. I visited the site. Thanks for the pointer! (If I can get their site to accept my card, I'll donate as well)

  5. Very well-said, thank you.

    They say money can't buy love, but I think we should try. I think it would work a lot better than sending the army to seize and hold love.

    By a curious coincidence, just last night {*DELETED* REF: MT6:3}

  6. I clicked, but don't donate for me, as I donated for myself. (or donate anyway...)

  7. Clicked on the link .. so I guess that ups ur total. I will donate something myself too.

  8. Clicked (but no donation from me - I'm picky about who I donate to and I already support several Euro charities).

  9. Clicked, thanks for pointing this out.

  10. I clcked and I donated.

  11. Hi,

    Nice to see you doing something like this - being responsible enough towards a non-profit and sending money also. Just so, I also clicked their link on your blog and finding out more about them !

