February 18, 2008

Python in 3 Hours?

As I work through the slides I am beginning to realize that I have set myself a very ambitious target for the Python 101 for Programmers tutorial at PyCon this year. I currently have 135 slides, which means I have roughly eighty seconds to cover the points on each slide. I normally plan on three to five minutes, so the presentation style is going to be a little terser and more rapid-fire than is my custom.

It's currently the best-subscribed seminar with a total attendance of 37 (!). As it was clearly flagged as being for experienced programmers who didn't know Python I hope that I am bringing a bunch of newcomers in to the Python community and helping them to make sense of the rest of the conference.

While I remember, Early Bird conference registration closes on February 20, so sign up now before it costs you more money!

1 comment:

  1. Just out of curiosity: what format are you using for your slides?

    Just in case ... Crunchy (development version) can now handle reStructuredText as well as html. If this is of interest to you, please email me.
