January 14, 2007

No Database Tutorial?

Well, from the reports so far it looks as though I won't be giving my Using a Database in Python tutorial. It looks like the PyCon market for introductory database tutorials was saturated last year and there may be too few signups for this year. Unless there's a late surge it looks like it will be cancelled.

So, if you were planning to sign up later you should swell the numbers by doing it now. That would be a good idea anyway, as Early Bird registration is still in force for a few more hours - until the end of Monday! In fact, forget the tutorial -- if you want to go to PyCon then register now! It has to be the most cost-effective Python conference on the calendar -- and I'm not just saying that because of my own affiliations with the conference.


  1. Doh!

    What is the registration level at which the PSF decides it's worth the risk of switching to a different tutorial late in the game?

  2. I believe they require at least ten registrations, which doesn't seem particularly unreasonable.

  3. I've done my part - I registered for it.

    On one hand, I respect the PSF's position that at least 10 people must preregister. I also respect what might be your desire not to go through the effort of preparing a class for fewer than 10.

    On the other hand, there's no other tutorial that really caught my eye in the morning. And rather than getting a refund, I wouldn't mind if you got the entire tutorial fee I paid for your session if I had an hour of your time... (but I'm selfish that way.)

  4. Thanks for registering. I believe there are still a couple more days after Early Bird cuts off before they make the final cut on tutorials, so there's still a chance, I guess.
