December 1, 2006

Database API Tutorial at PyCon TX 2007

The list of PyCon tutorial offerings has now been finalised, and I'm happy to say that my Database API proposal has been accepted. Once again there is a great line-up of tutorials. It must have been hard for the program committee to choose this year's line-up since most of the offerings were strong and from well-respected speakers.

This doesn't guarantee that any tutorial will run: there have to be enough sign-ups for that to happen. This year there is also a tutorial on SQLAlchemy, and it looks as though the schedule will allow people wnating to understand how to use databases in Python to go through the DB API in the morning and then learn SQL Alchemy in the afternoon. I'll be conferring with Jonathan Ellis to make sure that I cover any necessary background for those who want to attend both.

I'm hoping that my tutorial will be well-received — last year's filled the room, and helped me fund my attendance at PyCon. It's always good to have guidance from students in advance telling me what their "hot-button" items are. If you're thinking of attending you can use this page to provide guidance on the content you'd like to see.

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