March 4, 2006

Effective AJAX with TurboGears

Kevin Dangoor is the leader of the TurboGears project. This was the second in the session that I chaired. I was lucky in drawing excellent speakers for my session, and I was very glad I got the chance to hear this talk.

Do I need Ajax? Kevin felt the answer to this questions is "probably yes"! The web is becoming hugely interactive, and people are getting used to sites being much less passive than they have been. Gmail is two years old, and it has forced the pace. Nowadays 95% of the world uses one of three browser platforms, and toolkits are available to smooth over the differences (the two specifically mentioned were Dojo and mochikit).

Rather than present the dry theory behind AJAX Kevin then focused on the question of interest to many web developers: "How can I use it"? He gave several interesting examples based on TurboGears, but it would be easy to adapt them to other environments.

Data entry: this hasn't traditionally been a friendly task on the web. To choose between thousands of items a pick list is not appropriate: real-time searching is helpful here (the example selected from thousands of items by restricting those displayed in a pulldown to partial matches). People are used to auto-complete fields, so they quickly adapt to this behavior in web applications.

Realtime updates: AJAX can continually poll the server for updated information. This can capture simultaneous edits to the same data (the example informed an editor in real-time that someone else had changed the data they were currently working on).

Ordered lists: AJAX can be used to detect drops in drag-and-drop operations and reorder the data directly in the browser window (this time a very nice drag-and-drop example was presented).

There are also things we can do that confuse the users: people like the way their browsers work, and expect other applications to work the same way. Ajax reduces the value of the browser "back" button, and Dojo has provided a solution, but another solution is to not use AJAX! (I'm always encouraged when a speaker doesn't try to present their topic as a universal panacea). Users want to be able to bookmark the current state of their web application, and again Dojo can help to solve this problem by changing the location bar along the way. It's also possible to make controls behave in ways people don't expect: using radio buttons to submit information is generally a bad idea (examples of each faulty behavior were presented, as warnings of what not to do).

Summary: know your users - with a small user base you can train people if it helps improve their productivity, but this won't work with a large user base. Don't break what people expect to work, as they have invested a lot of time in learning the expected and customary interface behaviors.

With Guido's recent plea for more effective Python marketing I think this talk was a poster-child for what might be done. It focused on practical needs and gave clearly comprehensible examples, with the underlying code to diminish fears of complexity. If we can show people Python being used in this way they will flock to use it.

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